Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day Eight

The forest is crawling with thieves.  Cutpurses, I heard they're called.  I saw one wandering near a farmhouse.  So me, being the noble righteous person I am, approached.

Actually, I approached cause I thought he was the owner of the house and maybe he could help me.  Nope.  He came at me with a knife.  So I came at him with my RIGHTEOUS BRAND OF METED HONOR-JUSTICE.  Well, look.  It's one thing to kill worgs who pass by with hi and howdy.  This guy assaulted me, so I assaulted him right back.  And it's not like I really killed him, I think.

The farmhouse was owned by a woman named Donni Anthania.  She called herself a "crazy cat lady", but she was actually pretty young.  And pretty cute.  I wonder why she kept brandishing a giant meat cleaver, but I wasn't going to ask.

She offered to sell me a cat companion, but I had to say I didn't really need or could afford a cat right now, but I'd keep her in mind once I made my fortune.  I love cats.  I grew up in a farming village, so there were farm cats all over the place.  There's something about an animal that can look so cute, and then disembowel a mouse the next minute.

But she let me stay in her house for a night while I played with the cats.

--Caden Watkins

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